ABOUT Spyros Katsikeris

Director of Strategy, Partnerships and Field Support

Director of Strategy, Partnerships and Field Support
Spyros has over 15 years in the dental industry and is committed to enhancing ADL Dental Labs relationship in the dental industry as well as technological innovations relating to dental technology. Spyros also leads ADL Dental Labs business development initiatives as well as supports our customers daily in the field with anything from guided, surgery to restoring a full arch on implants.

Spyros has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Marketing from the University of Nottingham Trent. Upon completion of his Business degree Spyros joined a large implant company in Greece and then decided to move back to Toronto in 2010 where he spent 11 years working in implant dentistry for one of biggest global implant companies.

Spyros is passionate about customer support and sharing his knowledge. He spends much of his time chairside on complicated implant cases.