
Cosmetic Dentistry – All About Veneers

6 May 2019 News

Cosmetic dentistry aims to improve the appearance of your patients’ teeth and correct their dental imperfections. Some of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments include teeth whitening, correcting alignments, and utilizing veneers. At ADL Labs in Markham, we provide these treatments for our dentists and prosthodontists, and much more.

About Veneers

Veneers are wafer thin pieces of porcelain that are affixed to the teeth. They have a natural tooth enamel colour and are translucent, which makes them indistinguishable from natural teeth. Veneers are ideal for disguising discoloured or chipped teeth. They also correct uneven shape and make your patient’s teeth look uniform. Veneers are resilient and immune to discolouration. Your patients will enjoy their lifestyle, without worrying about yellow teeth and related problems.

Different Types of Veneers

At ADL Dental Labs, we provide different kinds of veneers based on your patient’s requirements and preferences. Our two most popular options are:

  • Feldspathic veneers – They are just 0.3mm in thickness and are minimally invasive.
  • Layered Emax Veneers – They are some of the strongest veneers available today and look very natural.

If you want to know more about integrating veneers or cosmetic dentistry into your practice, we are happy to help at ADL Labs!


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