
3D Printing as a Game Changer in the Dental Industry

26 Jan 2019 News

Leaps of success in science and technology have made the lives of people from all walks of life more comfortable. Problems are solved, and questions are answered as innovations and inventions help humankind venture into the unknown and embrace the positive changes towards the future. In the field of dentistry, it is crucial for practitioners and professionals to keep up current technology. Today, 3D printing technology is spearheading these positive changes as more and more dentists around the globe use these devices and techniques to help their patients with their needs.

Companies such as Zenith and FormLabs are using different methods like stereolithography and digital light processing as well as new types of resin that are better for medical use. Elastic Resin is typically utilized for crafting silicone parts because they are the softest among engineering resins. Meanwhile, the aptly named Digital Denture is specifically used to manufacture accessible direct printed dental prosthetics such as crowns, dentures, aligners, and bridges.

3D printing can also be used to design and create different surgical tools, invisible braces, orthodontic models and night guards in just hours instead of waiting days or even weeks. With these revolutionary innovations alongside the topnotch services we the technology and experience to take your dental practice to a new level.

To learn more about what we can offer your dental practice, please contact us at our dental lab in Niagara Falls, New York.


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